

  • 1 Bank Account
  • 1 Credit Card
  • 1-2 Employees
  • Under 75 Transactions per Month


  • Up to 3 Bank Accounts
  • Up to 3 Credit Cards
  • Up to 10 Employees
  • Under 125 Transactions per Month


  • Up to 4 Bank Accounts
  • Up to 4 Credit Cards
  • Up to 25 Employees
  • Under 350 Transactions per Month

Monthly Ongoing Services

60 Minute Video Chat

Unlimited Emails, Calls, and Access to our Team

Document Collection

Maintained Account Software

Organization & Categorization of Transactions

Account Reconciliation for all Bank and Credit Card Transactions

Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, and Statement of Cash Flows Monthly Reports

Maintained Chart of Accounts

Receipt Categorization

System and Process Workflow Integrations and Improvements


Profitability Strategy Summary Email


$175. This covers a 60 min video chat to discuss needs, workflows, and goals. Also this covers the cost to have them boarded into my system and 30 day catch up. Anything more than 30 days will require a separate catch-up fee. 

Clean Up Services

Historical Clean-ups up to 7 Years Prior

Categorization and Reconciliation of all Bank Accounts and Credit Cards

Balance Sheet Updated to Adjust Current Assets, Liabilities, and Long-Term Assets

Prior Period Report Generation for Yearly, Quarterly, and Monthly

Operates in

3 Different Accounting Software


Consult Call

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